v Now,
what we need to do is create a some coding on the PIC by using MPLAB software. Actually there
have many software’s can be used to create the program but we prefer this
software because it’s straight to the point what we want to control the
component, easy to manage the burning for Microchip PIC16F877A.
- This is the sample of the software (MPLAB
IDE v8.66)
Figure 2: Programing
by used MPLAB software
v I
am using PIC16F877A microcontroller for my project and we did some exploring on
the programming, what language to use, what IDE and also which is best suited
for this PIC.
v So
I have decide to use assembly language instead of C language. The main reason
is that the projet we been doing requires alot of programming lines and I’m
just afraid that the flash memory of the microcontroller is small and cannot
accomodate all the programming lines. For assembly language, it only require
small flash memory when compared to C language. So we have decided to use
assembly to program my project to save my flash memory space.
v After
doing research on a few software, namely MPLab, CCS compiler, Proteus, PICKit2,
8051 Dats and excreta. I realise that MPLab, CCS compiler is to write and
compile C language. MPLab can be use to write and compile assembly language as
well. Then we can use PICKit2 to burn the compiled program into the PIC
microcontroller. I can’t use Daats because it can only write and compile Atmel
microcontroller only.
So, there we have it, we
decided to use MPLab together with
PICKit2 for my project as it is the most suitable software for PIC
microcontroller; to write, compile and burn my program.
Board installation after burning process
Testing procedure